Rural topic(s): Civic engagement, local governance and dialogue
City: Cloughjordan
Country: Ireland
Web site: http://www.cultivate.ie
Cultivate is a practical sustainability organisation focused on active education - based in Cloughjordan Ecovillage, Co Tipperary.
Based in WeCreate, the Green Enterprise Centre in Cloughjordan Ecovillage, Cultivate is a national NGO and Civil Society Organisation focused on education, communication and citizen engagement.
Cultivate support a greater understanding of whole systems thinking as a key to sustainability and see community-led projects being essential for a happier, healthier and more resilient future.
Current Projects & Focus Areas:
Community Resilience
Learning Journeys
Green Building
Collaborative Economy
Events and Festivals - Global Green, Convergence, Elements of Change
European Projects - GROW Observatory, Desira Communication and Public Engagement
Scale of intervention : Local, National, European
Keywords: social and solidarity economy, empowerment of rural communities, Community Led Local Development (CLLD), eco-housing, resilience, citizen participation
Places: Ireland
Actors: NGO, ecovillage
Methods: raising awareness, non formal learning