young farmers set up
Success stories:
- European Farm Succession: tools and methods to promote a successful farm succession
- Ideas for farm transmission
- Local authorities supporting access to land for farmers: stories from Europe
- Your land, My land, Our land : grassroots strategies to preserve farmland and access to land for peasant farming and agroecology
- InterAfocg (Associations for Collective Training on Management)
- CELAVAR (Committee of studies and links of agricultural and rural associations)
- Future farmers in the spotlight
- hofgründer
- mOntanyanes
- Netherlands Rural Network - Netwerk Platteland
- NEL (Netzwerk Existenzgründung in der Landwirtschaft)
- Portuguese Rural Network - Rede Rural Nacional
- Stichting Boerengroep (Peasant Foundation)
- Toekomstboeren - Farmers for the future