Success stories:
- [EXP] How to implement rural sustainable development in rural areas : the example of trainings and exchange of practices in local territories by Permanent Centres of Initiatives for the Environment (CPIE).
- [EXP] Landcare associations in Germany: civil society involvement in the management of ecologically sensitive areas
- [EXP] Local rural development committees in Wallonia (Belgium): a local space for consultation and forming proposals, integrating inhabitants and elected officials.
- [EXP] Mountain forest forums; dialogue between stakeholders and institutions for the conservation of mountain forests. The example of Bavaria in Germany.
- [EXP] Peatland Restoration at Shapwick Heath on the Somerset Levels in South West England
- [EXP] PLANED, working with communities to deliver local integrated development in Pembrokeshire
- Building sustainable development on district level
- Report on the national meeting 2016 « Dialogue and consultation in the territories in the service of the environment »
- How can we involve local populations in Renewable Energy Projects?
- Savoie County Council of Territorial Dialogue,
- ► Ascolto Attivo
- ► Participedia
- Anthropolinks
- Arbre & Paysage 32 - (Tree and Landscape)
- AFIPAR (Association de formation et d’information pour les paysans et les ruraux)
- CIPRA (Commission Internationale pour la Protection des Alpes)
- CEAT (Communauté d’études pour l’aménagement du territoire)
- Ecological Institute Veronica
- COMEDIE (Environmental Mediation & Participation)
- Fundación entretantos
- Institut de la concertation
- Landcare Association Wendland-Elbetal / Landschaftspflegeverband Wendland-Elbetal e. V.
- CIMAS (Observatorio Internacional de Ciudadanía y Medioambiente Sostenible)
- PLANED (Pembrokeshire Local Action Network for Enterprise and Development)
- UNCPIE (Union nationale des Centres Permanents d’Initiatives pour l’Environnement)