UNCPIE (Union nationale des Centres Permanents d’Initiatives pour l’Environnement)
Rural topic(s): Civic engagement, local governance and dialogue, Conservation and management of natural resources
City: Paris
Country: France
Web site: http://www.cpie.fr
CPIE (Permanent Centers for Environmental Initiatives) act to ensure that environmental issues are taken into account in the decisions, projects and behaviors of organisations and individuals on their territory (communities, associations, companies , people).
The National Union of CPIEs manages the CPIE label and guarantees its quality. It ensures the regular updating of the main orientations of the network.
Scale of intervention : National
Keywords: Information / Education for sustainable development, organic farming, sustainable agriculture, integrated rural development, protection of the environment, environmental mediation, concertation, territorial dialogue
Places: France
Actors: association, union of associations, network, platform, forum
Methods: networking, training/capacity-building, meeting, seminar and conference organisation, ouvrage
Success stories: