medicinal and aromatic plants
Success stories:
- ► CONECT-E, a participatory online platform that documents and share traditional ecological knowledge in Spain
- Località il Piano, an agrotourism and teaching farm in the Appenine mountains, Italy
- [EXP] Eco - Health Farm Network in Latvia
- [EXP] TEH -Traditional European Medicine, a local network promoting traditional medicinal knowledge
- [EXP] Transylvanian Herb Garden
- ► Spanish inventory of traditional knowledge related to biodiversity
- ► Tending the Wild: a short insight into traditional ecological knowledge of indigenous people in California
- ANME (Association for Natural Medicine in Europe e.V.)
- Etnoecology Laboratory - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
- Forum Synergies
- Foundation for the Quality of Life (Életminőségért Alapítvány - Erdély)
- Savoirs de Terroirs - Knowledge of the Land
- Schmiedthof
- SIMPLES (Syndicat Inter-Massifs pour la Production et L’Economie des Simples)
- THOR Zentrum for Health Care and Traditional Western Methods
- TEH (Traditional European Healing)
- Upmali Farm