local supply chain
Success stories:
- Les Petits Producteurs – a successful food co-operative in Liege area
- [EXP] A participative approach to preserving agricultural activities in the Saclay plateau: the Terre et Cité initiative in the Paris region
- [EXP] Ardelaine: a cooperative project based on wool-processing becomes a driving force for local development.
- [EXP] Buschberghof CSA, a multifunctional farm successful for more than 20 years
- [EXP] Le système AMAP ou comment maintenir une agriculture proche des centres urbains
- [EXP] Network of Forestry alternatives, bringing together different actors in the favour of ecosystem-friendly forest management in France.
- [EXP] Open Space on food and local development: a multi-stakeholder meeting initiated by the Ceinture Aliment-Terre Liègeoise (Belgium).
- [EXP] Tablehurst and Plaw Hatch Community Farms, an example of biodynamic farm businesses owned by 600 local shareholders.(East Sussex, UK)
- [EXP] The Jaglea family farm, seeking sustainability at the crossroad of tradition and innovation in the Carpathian, Romania.
- Ardelaine
- AFIPAR (Association de formation et d’information pour les paysans et les ruraux)
- CATL (Ceinture aliment-terre liégeoise)
- Der Buschberghof
- mOntanyanes
- RAF (Network for forestry alternatives)
- Schmiedthof
- Stichting Boerengroep (Peasant Foundation)
- Tablehurst and Plaw Hatch Community Farms
- Terre et Cité - Pays de Saclay
- Verdon Regional Natural Park