Nadace Partnerstvi / Environmental Partnership
Rural topic(s): Education and training in rural areas, Conservation and management of natural resources
City: Brno
Country: Czech Republic
Web site: https://www.nadacepartnerstvi.cz
Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation, is a leading Czech foundation and NGO supporting sustainable development solutions.
It enables people to protect and improve their environment. For this purpose, it distributes grants, runs education programmes and provides professional services (by means of Partnership public benefit organization, a sister subsidiary public benefit corporation).
Its focus is on the issues of environmental protection, sustainable transport and tourism, tree and water protection and quality public spaces. Together with four affiliated foundations in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia they form Environmental Partnership Association (EPA).
Scale of intervention : National, European, Local
Keywords: Information / Education for sustainable development, protection of the environment, sustainable tourism, remarkable tree, water management, woodland creation
Places: Czech Republic
Actors: association, fundation
Methods: training/capacity-building, meeting, seminar and conference organisation, programme/project management, support to project, technical assistance, recommendation, grant