citizen participation
Success stories:
- [EXP] A participative approach to preserving agricultural activities in the Saclay plateau: the Terre et Cité initiative in the Paris region
- [EXP] Estonian Rural Parliament offers rural democracy lessons for EU partners
- [EXP] Local rural development committees in Wallonia (Belgium): a local space for consultation and forming proposals, integrating inhabitants and elected officials.
- [EXP] Master project: a research-action platform on mobility, welcoming new inhabitants and sustainable rural development in France. (The Ville Campagne collective)
- [EXP] Open Space on food and local development: a multi-stakeholder meeting initiated by the Ceinture Aliment-Terre Liègeoise (Belgium).
- [EXP] The participatory budget of Odemira in Portugal: an example of inhabitants managing part of the public budget.
- [EXP] The Sacca di Goro lagoon in Italy: involving a citizens’ panel in a consultation on sustainable water management (the Aware project).
- ÖGUT (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Umwelt und Technik)
- aip2 (► Associazione Italiana per la Partecipazione Pubblica)
- ALDA (► European Association for Local Democracy)
- ► Participedia
- ► The Change Agency
- CATL (Ceinture aliment-terre liégeoise)
- Central and Eastern Citizen network
- Citizens for Europe
- Civitas Georgica
- Cultivate
- Ecological Institute Veronica
- MEM (Ecological Movement of Moldova)
- COMEDIE (Environmental Mediation & Participation)
- Georgian Rural Council
- Institut de la concertation
- MIJARC (International Movement of Catholic Agricultural and Rural Youth)
- aip2 (Italian Association for Public Participation / L’Associazione Italiana per la Partecipazione Pubblica)
- CIMAS (Observatorio Internacional de Ciudadanía y Medioambiente Sostenible)
- RYE (Rural Youth Europe)
- Terre et Cité - Pays de Saclay