Book: Rural Europe on the move
Forum Synergies launches its new book "RURAL EUROPE ON THE MOVE – A travel guide to transitions".
In this collective work, twelve authors share their personal stories of bringing together local communities, farmers, foresters, environmentalists, and political decision makers so as to facilitate the transition towards a more sustainable and inclusive rural Europe. Together the authors explore twenty-five years of experiences of Forum Synergies throughout Europe.
From Portugal to Latvia, from Scotland to Romania, from islands to mountain regions, you will discover people and their places, the challenges they face and the solutions they have found, as individuals and as local communities. The book reveals the importance of traditional knowledge of local communities and the innovative energy of the youth in moving towards a more sustainable and social rural economy. It shows how conflicts may be solved by constructive communication and mediation, and how local food strategies can even contribute to improved food legislation.
“Rural Europe on the move” calls upon young people to make their rural regions and communities fit, so that they can respond to the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss and social exclusion, making their own rural future more resilient and attractive.
You can read Rural Europe on the move online and/or download for free as pdf version.
Overview on chapters
Chapter 1: Meet the writing team in Marezige, SI
Chapter 2: Crisis and the social solidarity economy, GR
Chapter 3: Finding a "sense of place", UK
Chapter 4: Learning to listen, UK,PL
Chapter 5: In Loco - here in this place, PT
Chapter 6: Herbs, health and policies, RO
Chapter 7: Local Food Matters!, NMK
Chapter 8: Tasting independence, FR
Chapter 9: Surviving below the sealevel, DE
Chapter 10: The art of being different, AT
Chapter 11: Seeding and sharing: Forum Synergies and PREPARE
Chapter 12: The energy of youth, NL, LV
Chapter 13: Civil society against a hidden super power, IT
Download center
- High quality on-line version (170MB):
- Whole book
- Chapters 1-6
- Chapters 7-13
- Low pdf version (20MB):
- Whole book
For the French version, click here
- A printed version of the book is available on demand at Forum Synergies (French or English). In case of interest, please write to info@forum-synergies.eu. We will ask you to contribute to the shipping costs, in case you would like to give a donation (10.-€ per copy) this will also be highly appreciated.
- Places to be: you will find inspiring initiatives, people and places worth visiting. They are highlighted on our on-line "Map of Rural Sustainability".