Seeds4all - a new seeds platform launched
The European Platform dedicated to seed diversity and availability (link)
The newly established platform (October 2020) has the aim of networking and bringing together seed savers and distributors in order to learn from each other. It is meant as medium to facilitate access to information about seed-swaps and market development opportunities in Europe.
It is also a means to demonstrate the richness and diversity of organiations and initiatives contributing to the preservation of agrobiodiversity.
Actors in the field are invited to contribute to the inventory (link) by presenting their own activity/ organisation. 30 organisations already featured in the platform.
The call for actors in the field to become part of the inventory is facilitaed thourgh a census on the website. Organisations in Europe (not just the EU) committed to promoting agrobiodiversity via public domain (open source, non-proprietary) materials are welcome to get involved.