Success stories:
- AGROECOPOLIS - A young grassroots network for Agroecology, Food Sovereignty & Access to Land in Greece
- Les Petits Producteurs – a successful food co-operative in Liege area
- Regional food hub for local products in Romania
- The Redon Sustainable Food Consortium
- [EXP] AMAP, un exemple de Soutien à l’agriculture de proximité en France
- [EXP] Community supported Agriculture and Organic box schemes helping local French farmers and consumers
- [EXP] Kulturland eG: a farmers - consumers cooperative
- [EXP] Tablehurst and Plaw Hatch Community Farms, an example of biodynamic farm businesses owned by 600 local shareholders.(East Sussex, UK)
- [EXP] Viva sol Lithuania, an association of cheese eaters and producers that encourages the settlement of small farmers and artisans in rural Lithuania.
- [EXP] Viva sol, une association de producteurs fromagers et de consommateurs urbain pourun soutien à l’agriculture artisanale et à l’installation en milieu rural.
- Access to healthy, clean and fair food – An exploratory study of the Maltese scenario
- Eating from the Farm: the social, environmental, and economic benefits of local food systems