SWG (Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group of South Eastern Europe)
Rural topic(s): Advocacy on food and rural policies
City: Skopje
Country: Macedonia
Web site: http://www.seerural.org
The Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group (SWG) in South Eastern Europe is an International Intergovernmental Organization, consisted of governmental institutions responsible for agriculture and rural development in respective countries and territories. Created in 2005, their objective is to facilitate regional cooperation in the South Eastern Europe and to improve living conditions of rural population on a sustainable basis. The SWG operates as regional agency for promoting sustainable agriculture and rural development through initiation and implementation of regional cross-border projects in South Eastern Europe. The SWG serves as a facilitator in the process of strengthening regional networking in order to implement consistent agricultural and rural development policies in the SEE region for alleviating smoother approximation of SEE member countries towards the EU. Some of the major aspects of their work are rural development, agriculture, food safety, trade, environmental sustainability, cultural and rural tourism and promotion of gender equality.
Scale of intervention : European
Keywords: agricultural policy, rural policy
Places: Central and Eastern Europe, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia, Serbia
Actors: official rural development network or structure, State
Methods: cross-border cooperation, facilitation, intermediation and facilitation, networking