National Association for AONBs (Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty)
Rural topic(s): Conservation and management of natural resources
City: Fairford
Country: United Kingdom
Web site: http://www.landscapesforlife.org.uk/
The NAAONB is a Charitable Company limited by guarantee which has three objects:
to promote the conservation and enhancement of natural beauty including the physical, natural, cultural and built environment in and around Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, other Protected Areas, and those areas for which such designation might be pursued,
to advance the education, understanding and appreciation of the public in relation to the conservation and enhancement natural beauty including the physical, natural, cultural and built environment of Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), other Protected Areas and those areas for which such designation might be pursued, and
to promote the efficiency and effectiveness of those organisations promoting or representing Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, other Protected Areas and those areas for which such designation might be pursued.
Scale of intervention : National
Keywords: landscape preservation, protected area, ecosystem friendly methods, rural heritage, cultural heritage, protection of the environment, biodiversity conservation, traditional knowledge, conservation and management of natural resources
Places: United-Kingdom
Actors: association, natural parc (national, regional, biosphere)
Methods: networking, raising awareness, experience exchange, exchange of good practices, training/capacity-building, partnership