Earth Trust
Rural topic(s): Sustainable forestry, Conservation and management of natural resources
City: Abingdon
Country: United Kingdom
Web site: http://www.earthtrust.org.uk/
Earth Trust is an environmental learning charity which provides access and opportunities for people to discover, appreciate and respect nature via the landscape they are guardian to : 1200 acres of farmland, woodland and wetland on the bank of the Thames, a free to access greenspace.
They aim to inspire people to become the environmental advocates of the future, giving them the access, skills and confidence to connect with their own local environment, and ultimately care, and act on, the global issues of sustainability.
Their purpose is to:
engage the public in the environment through access to local natural green spaces as a means to advance their understanding of ecosystems that sustain life on Earth and their role in looking after the planet.
demonstrate and communicate sustainable management and the public benefits from the land through farming and the production of food and other products, forestry and the production of timber and wood products, and the management of water and the ecosystems on which clean water depends.
care for, improve and interpret green spaces, their biodiversity, ecosystems, and heritage features for the public, education and knowledge.
Scale of intervention : Local
Keywords: sustainable woodland, sustainable agriculture, biodiversity conservation, conservation and management of natural resources, Information / Education for sustainable development, land stewardship
Places: United-Kingdom
Actors: training and visitor centre, association
Methods: training/capacity-building, raising awareness, voluntary work