The Organic Centre
Rural topic(s): Education and training in rural areas
City: Leitrim
Country: Ireland
Web site: http://www.theorganiccentre.ie
The Organic Centre was established in 1995 as a non profit making company with charitable status.The centre is located on a 19 acres site in Rossinver, Co. Leitrim and operates from an ecologically designed building with a grass roof.
The aim of the centre is to provide training and education, information and demonstration of organic gardening, growing and sustainable living. Each year since 1995 has seen significant development and currently it has:
2 demonstration gardens – the kitchen garden and the Robin’s garden -show a productive small scale family garden and a community garden run by a group of 21 local people.
A range of 9 polytunnels of various sizes showing protected cropping on a domestic and commercial scale.
A wetland sewage disposal system.
A new compost display area, showing different methods of composting and recycling.
A willow sculpture area growing every year with new features.
An orchard with 50 varieties of apples suited to the Irish climate and a soft fruit area, testing hardy varieties.
A native woodland planted in Winter 2004 under the Neighbourwood scheme.
Scale of intervention : Local
Keywords: renewable energy, collective approach, organic farming, Information / Education for sustainable development, seeds saving, composting, reed-bed sewage, waste water treatment, green manure, orchard, gardening
Places: Ireland
Actors: association, training and visitor centre
Methods: voluntary work, non formal learning, training workshop, consulting/expertise