Mourne Heritage Trust
Rural topic(s): (Agri)-tourism and rural heritage
City: Annalong
Country: United Kingdom
Web site: http://www.mournelive.com/
In 1997, the Mourne Heritage Trust was established as a partnership of central and local government agencies, the Northern Ireland Tourist Board, DARD and environmental, community, recreational, landowning and business interests to provide for the management of the Mourne and Slieve Croob Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). Its mission statement is ‘To sustain and enhance the environment, rural regeneration, cultural heritage and visitor opportunities of the Mourne Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and contribute to the well-being of Mourne’s communities.’
The Trust works in four key areas as follows:
Natural Environment Enhancement and Protection
Visitor Management and Visitor Services
Built and Cultural Heritage
Sustainable Tourism
Scale of intervention : Regional
Keywords: cultural heritage, protection of the environment, sustainable tourism, protected area, territorial project, rural heritage, traditional knowledge
Places: United-Kingdom
Actors: association
Methods: raising awareness, resources mobilization, technical assistance, non formal learning
Success stories: