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Forum Synergie

Linking sustainable practices throughout Europe

REDD (Réseau - Echange - Développement Durable)

Rural topic(s): Agroecology and agroforestry, Conservation and management of natural resources

City: Lausanne

Country: Switzerland

Web site: http://www.redd.ch/

REDD engages in sustainable agriculture with the farmers and the general public around the world.

With the farmers, they exchange about methods that preserve the natural environment like organic farming or permaculture. Market access and the creation of added value are other essential topics that they discuss. Their favoured tools are the ones that lower the number of intermediaries and favour direct selling like on-farm production, direct selling and rural tourism. Other instruments like labels and direct payments for the conservation of biodiversity are also part of their tool kit.

With the general public, they exchange about ecological gardening, sustainable consumption and healthy food. This exchange is essential to establish a tighter link between the cities and the countryside. In this view, they organise trainings, practical workshops, conferences and offer expertise for project set up.

Scale of intervention : National

Keywords: organic farming, short food chain, biodiversity conservation, agritourism, local food processing, direct selling, higher added-value products, sustainable tourism, rural-urban relationship, food, gardening

Places: Switzerland

Actors: association

Methods: training workshop, training/capacity-building, meeting, seminar and conference organisation, recommendation, consulting/expertise