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Forum Synergie

Linking sustainable practices throughout Europe

Les ateliers RENOVA

Rural topic(s): Agroecology and agroforestry, Conservation and management of natural resources

City: Daumazan-sur-Arize

Country: France

Web site: https://www.arize-leze.fr/Les-Ateliers-RENOVA-538.html

Renova is an association that revitalises plantations and helps people learn to prune trees, harvest and process their produce in the Pyrenean foothills.

Scale of intervention : Regional, Local

Keywords: Biodiversity, collective approach, Sustainable Mystery Tour 2012, local variety, orchard, biodiversity conservation, local food systems, local food processing, higher added-value products, seeds saving, collective processing plant

Places: France

Actors: association, inhabitants, farmer

Methods: training workshop, raising awareness

Success stories: