Peliti Seed Festival
Dossier(s) : Places to be (work in progress)
Type : Success story
Date de rédaction: August 7, 2019
Organisme(s) : Alternative community « Peliti »
Texte :

Peliti is a Greek seed savers movement and an organisation, working on the collection, conservation and distribution of traditional seed varieties. Peliti was founded by Panagiotis Sainatoudis in 1995 and has since then organised the Peliti Seed Festival and the Pan-Hellenic Network for the exchange and rescue of traditional varieties. The seed festival usually takes place at the seed bank of Peliti every year during the week after Greek Easter. Peliti has ten local seed saver groups in various regions of the country, organising seed festivals, events to raise awareness, and undertake seed multiplication. Seeds from Peliti are distributed free of charge.

Where: Paranesti, Greece
Who: Peliti Association
Informations :
Niveau d’intervention : National
Mots-clés : Biodiversity, organic farming, Farmers Ecological Knowledge, biodiversity conservation, seeds saving, safeguard of knowledge, Commons, GMOs / Genetically Modified Organisms
Lieux : Greece
Acteurs : association, farmer
Méthodes : voluntary work, community-led initiative, knowledge collection, exchange of good practices, networking