[MoI] « Create a Climate for Peace », a programme supporting activists in taking action for sustainable living and climate justice
Service Civil International (SCI): a volunteer organisation promoting a culture of peace
Dossier(s) : Sustainable forestry
Type : Innovative experience
Date de rédaction: 15.12.2016
Auteur(s) de cette fiche : Silva Huda
Résumé :

Service Civil International (SCI) is a volunteer organisation dedicated to promoting a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects with local and global impact for people of all ages and backgrounds. The organisation consists of 45 branches and an ever growing number of partner organisations. Through GAIA Micro Grants provides support of up to activists and local groups who organise grassroots projects on sustainability and climate protection.
Texte :
Background and activities
The projects may be in the form of work camps, short-term or long-term volunteering, or campaigns such as “Create a Climate for Peace”. Since the beginning of the Climate for Peace Programme (formerly Create a Climate for Peace Campaign) sustainable living and climate justice became an integral part of SCI’s perspective and strategy.
GAIA Micro Grants is part of the whole programme and is one of the sources of funding for SCI branches and local groups who are interested in taking action for sustainable living and climate justice. It provides financial support of up to 500 € to SCI activists, and local groups who create/ organize grassroot projects on sustainability and climate protection.
We want to challenge branches to show us how they can make a positive impact and if it can be sustained after or between work camps. We want to bring the SCI motto “Deeds and words” to climate change and sustainability! In line with this motto, almost all projects supported involve a combination of educational components and hands on activities.
Providing support to local communities dealing with climate change is particularly urgent in the Global South. That is why a big part of the funding is available only for this region.
Activities: Throughout the three phases there were sup-ported 48 grassroots projects. The 3rd phase of GAIA Micro Grants took place between April and November 2016 and supported projects which fit within two funding windows:
1.Supporting frontline communities in preparation for climate change.
2.Making our food systems more sustainable.
All in all, with a total amount of 3368€ there were supported 8 projects implemented by SCI activists in Bangladesh, Nigeria, South Africa, Estonia, India, Mauritius, Germany and Sri Lanka.
• increasing the visibility of the supported projects;
• mobilising more diverse sources of financing, as for the past 3 years the Programme depended heavily of financial contribution made by Terra21 Foundation.
Next steps. The fourth phase of the programme will open in early spring in 2017.
Notes :
Information gathered at: the 2nd workshop on Sustainable Forest Management (10-13 November 2016)
Contact :
PVN Albania
Contact: Silva Huda
E-mail: huda_silva(a)yahoo.co.uk
Website: www.sci.ngo
Télécharger :
Informations :
Niveau d’intervention : International
Mots-clés : climate change, Information / Education for sustainable development, local food systems
Lieux : Europe
Acteurs : NGO, volunteers
Méthodes : (youth) camps, grant