Visio-conférence "Alimentation locale - Reimaginons nos Réponses Régionales"
Visio-conférence "Alimentation locale - Reimaginons nos Réponses Régionales"
Approches collaboratives pour construire notre résilience rurale
· 9 Décembre 2020
· 17h00-18h30 CET
Co-organisée avec ARC2020 and Cultivate
Présentation d’initiatives de différentes régions d’Europe
Regardez l’évènement en direct ici : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChfpxKP83fx3tw1JLjDCWag
As the pandemic collides with inequality and the climate and biodiversity emergencies, it is clearer than ever that we need to change our relationship to food and the people who produce it.
The ideas of innovative communities that are experimenting with ways to shorten, amplify and democratise food supply chains should be replicated, scaled up and scaled across.
At this web conference we will showcase pioneering initiatives – including the Cloughjordan Hub (IE), Oosterwold living lab (NL) involved in DESIRA project (EU) and the Ceinture AlimenTerre Liègeoise (Liege Food Belt) (BE), an example from Communities for Future – that are taking fresh approaches to building better food systems from the bottom up.
Practitioners will share insights and experiences from their regional initiatives, laying the groundwork for a facilitated discussion on how these ideas might be replicated elsewhere.
Stories that will be presented :
Cloughjordan Community Farm - Oliver Moore of ARC2020 and Davie Philip of Cultivate will be facilitating this online event from the digital studio in the WeCreate co-working space in Cloughjordan Ecovillage, Ireland. Oliver and Davie will share the story of their community’s journey in practising food sovereignty in an ecosystem of relatable initiatives. Cloughjordan Community Farm is in the process of integrating the Open Food Network software platform into their existing structure to establish a food hub for the region, as part of its broader work in helping with enabling food sovereignty initiatives.
DESIRA - Digitisation : Economic and Social Impacts in Rural Areas - is a Horizon 2020 project coordinated by the University of Pisa. It involves 25 partner organisations including research institutes, NGOs and SMEs in a multi-actor and interdisciplinary Consortium. Silvia Rolandi will introduce DESIRA’s understanding of Living Labs. DESIRA Living Labs are a number of stakeholders networks throughout Europe that are each constituted around a focal question regarding agriculture, forestry or rural domains.
Co-presenting along with Silvia will be Jan Eelco Jansma, a practitioner from the Oosterwold Peri-urban Living Lab. On reclaimed land east of Amsterdam, the Oosterwold community are collectively creating a new city with a radical bottom up ethos. Jan will share insights from Oosterwold Peri-urban’s unique approach to building food resilience, with its utilisation of digitalisation tools and initiation of co-operative approaches to enable this.
Ceinture Aliment-Terre Liégeoise (CATL) is a radical plan to mobilise the people of Liège, Belgium in the creation of short, ecological food chains and a sustainable food supply for the region. CATL is part of Liège en Transition which is one of the inspiring examples from Communities for Future. It will be presented by Antoine Lejeune from the cooperative “Les Petits Producteurs”, a CATL success story established in 2017 with a social agenda towards its individual fruit and vegetable crop producers and its employees.
Pays de Redon - Consortium alimentation durable. Then, we will hear from Louise Kelleher and Valérie Geslin who are leading an exciting new ARC2020 project on socio-ecological transition in France. Together with Cédric Briand - a farmer- and Xavier Hamon - the project manager, they will tell us about “Pays de Redon” agri-food network in Brittany that is working for socio-ecological transition on a territorial level.
Co-organised by Forum Synergies, ARC2020 and Cultivate
Registration here.