Webinaire 2020 : Résilience alimentaire en temps de Covid-19 - Nouveaux outils et approches pour l’agroécologie
How have local, agroecological food initiatives stepped up in this moment of crises ? The long now of Covid-19 has added an extra layer of difficulty and stress onto an already challenging situation for proponents of a food sovereignty approach to living and eating. Nevertheless, inspiration has manifest too, with agroecological movements not only adjusting but in some cases expanding the reach and impact of their activities beyond the local and into the regional, territorial, national and even international.
We wanted to showcase these altered approaches so we can learn from each other and drive our movement forward. To do this, ARC2020 and Forum Synergies co-organised a webinar with four other initiatives, from Portugal, Greece, Romania and the world.
On 17th June 2020 we held a participatory webinar with Agroecopolis (Greece), Civitas (Romania), In loco (Portugal) and the Open Food Network (UK, Australia, rest of the world) and facilitated by Davie Philip of Cultivate (Ireland) and Ecolise (Europe-wide).
This event aimed at helping community groups, agri-food movements, policy makers, media workers, academics of rural and food system studies, consumer groups and more find out about coping mechanisms, innovative tools, best practices and exciting future opportunities, including collaborative ones.
- Here is the link to the video recording of the session : https://youtu.be/9zABHgoVdSg
- If you don’t have time to watch it, our colleagues from ARC2020 have related the main lessons from practitioners and insights from participants in the following article also available in pdf here.