cob/ αειphόria, une ferme coopérative alliant permaculture et écoconstruction en Grèce
Dossier(s) : Lieux incontournables (travail en cours), Agroécologie et agroforesterie
Type : Récit d’expérience
Date de rédaction: 4 août 2021
Texte :

§ Some words on Cob / αειphόria, “Building with earth”
In our test site in Nessonas, Larissa, we are experimenting with natural building, natural farming and self-sufficiency. Since the project started in 1999, the farm has been cultivated using natural farming methods. Without any grand or systematic care, a very special and self-sustaining ecosystem has evolved which numbers more than 400 trees of more than 80 varieties and countless species of annual plants and herbs. Alongside the crops that we grow in our farm, we also rent agricultural land nearby where we cultivate cereals and legumes in crop rotation, and also cultivate vegetables that we sell to specific customers in the city of Larissa on a weekly basis.
The property serves as a training ground for natural farming, permaculture, natural building and self-sufficiency, by implementing alternative technologies and conducting workshops and educational activities. For the last two years, a handful of people have been living on the farm on a more permanent basis. They have divided responsibilities amongst themselves, established a self-organized community and are constantly expanding the scope of the farm’s activities. Because of this attitude and because of the people, the farm is no longer simply an experiment in farming or building – it is an experiment in communal living, growing day by day.
♪ What kind of experience can you have there…
Visiting Cob/ αειphόria cooperative you can make rich experiences in the following fields of activities:
agroforestry/ forestry
seed saving
natural building
ecovillage/ smartvillage
self organised community
organising of events, trainings
self-sufficiency activities
We offer volunteers housing, organic food and hands-on experience on natural farming and building, as well as full-on participation in community life.
Having used the space for educational projects in collaboration with schools, universities and workshops, we came to realize that a very effective, holistic and pleasant way of learning, is simply spending some time at the farm, participating in the various activities that take place there and getting familiar with sustainable technologies. Making your own toothpaste and soap, for example, truly gives you the feeling of self- sufficiency.
Finally, by spending some time in an environment free of toxins, through exercise and by eating properly cooked natural food, people can manage to come back in contact with themselves, with other people and with the nature that surrounds them.
☼ Travel information & Location
αειphόria cooperative &farm is located in in the little village of Nessonas, in the Thessaloniki district close to Larissa.
The place can be reached by public transport. In case needed we can also organise a pick up service-
Volunteers generally fly to an airport of their choice, and we provide them with all the help we can with regard to public transportation to Larissa. They are then normally picked up from the train or bus station, and taken to the farm to be introduced to the community.
☺ Contact
Languages spoken: GR, EN
Informations :
Niveau d’intervention : Local
Mots-clés : sauvegarde des semences, eco-habitat, participation des habitants, agroforesterie, agroécologie, ecolieu, permaculture, communauté autogérée
Lieux : Grèce
Acteurs : société coopérative et participative (SCOP)
Méthodes : atelier de formation