Use of wooden biomass in two municipalities in Serbia
Analysis of potentials for heating after pruning raspberries and wooden biomass
Dossier(s) : Sustainable forestry
Type : Narrative story
Date de rédaction: June 3, 2016
Auteur(s) de cette fiche : Dragan Roganovic
Résumé :

Analysis of wooden biomass potentials in the municipalities Ivanjica and Arlje and preparation of the technical documentation for heating on wood biomass after pruning raspberries and wooden biomass
Texte :
Ibar Development Association. The association was founded in 2001. From the start IDA is active in rural development and rural communities support. The main activities are: rural development support, local economic development support, environment protection, sustainable energy development, informal education, inter-sector cooperation support.
Activities: Promotion campaign to the citizens about house-hold energy saving measures; Organisation of two round tables on the topic of energy independent communities; Establishment a Data Management System; Drafting energy passports for 10 facilities in the municipalities Arilje and Ivanjica; Formation of two municipal funds for energy efficiency support and use of renewable energy sources based on cost reduction; Implementation of 2 micro initiatives in the Municipality of Arilje and Ivanjica in order to improve energy efficiency for the municipal public buildings.
Challenges: improvement of the capacities of local communities to use local wooden biomass and pruning raspberries biomass, establishment of preconditions for the investment in biomass heating systems in both municipalities.
Next steps. Continuation of capacity building; animation of investors for central heating biomass systems; promote networking between farmers and energy users.
Notes :
Information gathered at: the 1st workshop on Sustainable Forest Management (17-20 March 2016) - presentation given during the Market of Initiatives
Contact :
Dragan Roganovic
E-mail: rogandr(a)
Télécharger :
Informations :
Niveau d’intervention : Local
Mots-clés : renewable energy, energy saving, wooden biomass, wood fuel, firewood, integrated rural development
Lieux : Serbia
Acteurs : public sector, municipality
Méthodes : training/capacity-building